Ashli Baker
About Ashli Baker
- Ph.D., University of Washington
Areas of Interest
A philologist by training, Professor Baker's research interests include:
- Apuleius' Metamorphoses, Florida, and Apologia
- the ancient novel; Greek and Latin literature of the Roman Imperial Period; and ancient magical practice.
- One focus of her work is the way in which ancient fiction intersects with and comments on the socio-political context in which it was written.
Teaching Areas
- Latin and Greek literature
- Latin and Greek languages
- Roman history
- Augustan age
- Epic poetry
Select Scholarly Presentations and Publications
Libros Me Futurum: New Directions in Apuleian Scholarship (co-organizer and presider) American Philological Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana (2015)
Theama Kainon: Reading Natural History in Achilles Tatius' Leucippe and Clitophon in "Politics, Social Questions, and History" volume of ICAN Proceedings (forthcoming, 2014)
Does Clothing Make the Man or Does it Make the Man an Impostor?: Costume and Identity in Apuleius' Metamorphoses, Florida, and Apology American Philological Association Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington (2013)
Doing Things with Words: The Force of Law and Magic in Apuleius' Metamorphoses in Trends in Classics Special Issue: Narrative, Culture and Genre in the Ancient Novel, S. Frangoulidis and S. Harrison (eds.). 4(2): 352-362. 2012.