Bucknell Magazine
The award-winning Bucknell Magazine is published quarterly for more than 50,000 alumni, parents, faculty, staff, students, friends and donors. It aims to engage its readers, inspire pride in the University and cultivate a sense of shared experience and purpose.

This special edition features our third-annual University Report, which offers an engaging look at the year ahead. Discover the strategic initiatives and programs that are enhancing the educational experience for our students.
In this issue, you will find stories about
- Record-breaking enrollment: Bucknell continues to achieve record enrollment despite the challenges in college admissions.
- Innovative interdisciplinary centers: Bucknell is encouraging students to blend their academic interests with other disciplines with a focus on data analysis and entrepreneurial thinking.
- Enhanced access and support: Bucknell is expanding financial aid and providing additional resources to ensure all students have the opportunity to succeed.
Click on the cover image to read these stories and more in our winter digital edition.
Winter Issue Highlights
Kaylin Reynolds '27 is helping other Bucknellians find belonging within the Center for Access & Success.
'A Place to Call Home'
Bucknell’s commitment to interdisciplinary education creates unique learning opportunities.
Bridging Disciplines
Bucknell supports students' well-being and fosters an environment where they can thrive.
Nurturing Students
Bucknell is working with a new dining partner to reimagine the role food can play in building a strong community.
A Fresh Take

By Way of Bucknell Photo
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The Bertrand Library clock tower is beautifully framed by Bucknell's favorite hues.
If you would like a reprint of this photo, please fill out our form. We will send you a complimentary 8 x 10 print.
Alumni Galleries
Catch up with Bucknellians in pictures.
Letters to the Editor Policy
Bucknell Magazine welcomes letters to the editor addressing topics covered in the magazine. Although criticism of the University and its policies is acceptable, no letters containing potentially libelous statements or personal attacks will be printed.
The editors reserve the final decision to publish and edit any letter — there is no guarantee that all letters received will be published.
All letters must be signed. The maximum length is 300 words. The editors reserve the right to edit letters for clarity and space. Writers may be asked to submit revised versions of letters or to approve editorial changes made by the Bucknell Magazine editor. After two issues, the debate on any topic will conclude. Some letters may be disseminated only online. Views expressed in this magazine do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors or the official views or policies of the University.
Contact Details
Bucknell Magazine
206 Judd House