For Current Students

If you're here, you're curious — and motivated to pursue your interests wherever they lead. Bucknell is here to support you in following your interests in the classroom and beyond as you chase the next big discovery, connect with your community and pursue your passion for learning.
Learn more about how we can help, the opportunities available to you and your responsibilities in the links below.
Academic Support & Responsibility
At Bucknell, you aren't just a face in the crowd. We offer individualized resources to meet your specific needs and help you succeed.
Academic Support
As a community, we take seriously our responsibility to uphold academic honesty and our commitment to advancing original scholarship.
Academic Responsibility
Members of the faculty serve as the primary academic advisers for students and will be a resource for you throughout your time at Bucknell.
Academic Advising
The College Core Curriculum
The College Core Curriculum is a common set of required courses to help students understand the links between academic disciplines and prepare them to apply the skills, knowledge and sense of responsibility they have gained to new settings and complex problems.
Learn the requirements below:
For Students in the College of Arts & Sciences or Freeman College of Management
For Students in the College of Engineering
Writing Across the Curriculum
One of the academic experiences that unites all Bucknell students, regardless of school or major, is the Writing Across the Curriculum Program, known as the Writing Program. The Writing Program at Bucknell encompasses all courses across the entire curriculum that qualify toward the writing requirement, from English to sociology to biology and engineering.
Undergraduate Research Opportunities
For many Bucknell students, their most meaningful academic experiences are the research projects they undertake with faculty mentors. Bucknell provides many opportunities for students to get involved in research, starting the summer before their first semester and continuing through all four years.
Explore opportunities and get funding
Technology for Students in Need
Students with financial need who face difficulty accessing reliable technology can apply for assistance through the Technology for Students in Need program.