Clare Sammells
About Clare Sammells
Educational Background
- A.B. in Folklore and Mythology. Harvard College
- M.A. in Cultural Anthropology. University of Chicago
- Ph.D. in Anthropology. University of Chicago
Research and Teaching Interests
- Anthropology of Tourism
- Anthropology of Food
- Economic Anthropology
- Aymara-speaking peoples of the Bolivian Andes
- Bolivian gastronomy and touristic foodways
- Tourism to Antarctica
- Zombies
Courses Typically Offered
- Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
- Food, Eating, and Culture
- Transforming Food (IP with Prof. Karen Castle, Chemistry)
- Money, Markets and Magic
- Anthropology of Tourism
- Zombies
Selected Publications
De pingüinos y personas: la red alimentaria antártica en la época Antropoceno. Proceedings of the SLACA Biennial Conference / Memorias de la Conferencia Bienal de SLACA. Cartagena, Colombia March 15-17, 2023. Clare A. Sammells and Natalia Quiceno Toro, eds., 34-39. 2023. https://slaca.americananthro.org/slaca-conference-proceedings-2023/
Tasting Quinoa: From Indigenous Food to “Healthy” U.S. Dining. Co-authored with Christina Morris. In The Cultural Politics of Food, Taste and Identity: A Global Perspective, Steffan Igor Ayora-Diaz, ed. Bloomsbury. 2021.
Scaffolding expertise with all five senses: teaching cuisine critically. Co-authored with Phillipe C. Dubois. Food, Culture & Society 23(5):627-630. 2020. https://doi.org/10.1080/15528014.2020.1808429
Reimagining Bolivian Cuisine: Haute Traditional Food and its Discontents. Food and Foodways 27(4):338-352. 2019. https://doi.org/10.1080/07409710.2019.1677396
Production, Trade, Reciprocity, Markets. In The Andean World, Linda J. Seligmann and Kathleen S. Fine-Dare, eds. London: Routledge. 275-289. 2018. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315621715
Frosted Windows And Compartmentalized Intimacies: Forging Relationships In A Bolivian Restaurant In Madrid. Food and Foodways 24(3-4): 213-231. Special Issue "Eating In Semi-Public Spaces," co-edited by Clare A. Sammells and Edmund Searles.
Haute Traditional Cuisines: How UNESCO's List of Intangible Heritage Links the Cosmopolitan to the Local. In Edible Identities: Food as Cultural Heritage, Ronda Brulotte and Michael Di Giovine, eds. Ashgate. 141-158.
The Aymara Year Count: Calendrical Translations In Tiwanaku, Bolivia. Ethnology 50(3):245-258.
Ancient Calendars and Bolivian Modernity: Tiwanaku’s Gateway of the Sun, Arthur Posnansky, and the World Calendar Movement of the 1930s. Journal of Latin American & Caribbean Anthropology 17(2):299-319.
The City of the Present in the City of the Past: Solstice Celebrations at Tiwanaku, Bolivia. In On Location: Heritage Cities and Sites. D. Fairchild Ruggles, ed. New York: Springer. 115-130.
Ode to a Chuño: Learning to Love Freeze-Dried Potatoes in Highland Bolivia. In Adventures In Eating: Anthropological Tales of Dining Around the World, Helen R. Haines and Clare A. Sammells, eds. 2010.