Coralynn Davis
About Coralynn Davis
Educational Background
- B.A., Wesleyan
- M.A. and a Ph.D., Michigan University at Ann Arbor
Research Interests
- Women's and Gender Studies
- Anthropology
- Feminist Theory/Method
- Folklore Studies
- Transnational Studies
- Critical Development
- Expressive Practices (folklore)
- South Asia
- Nepal
- WMST 150 (Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies)
- WMST 220 (Feminist Thought and Action)
- WMST/ANTH 251 (Gender, Power, and Global Development)
- WMST/SOCI 332 (Women and the Penal System)
- WMST 400 (Advanced Seminar in Women's and Gender Studies)
Selected Publications
2018 “When Heterosexual Identity is Questioned: Stifling Suspicion Through Public Displays of Heterosexual Identity.” Laurel R. Davis-Delano, Elizabeth M. Morgan, Ann Gillard, and Coralynn V. Davis. Journal of Homosexuality 65(13): 1683-1708. (Published online, October 2017.)
2014 “Transnational Marriage: Modern Imaginings, Relational Realignments, and Persistent Inequalities.” Ethnos Journal of Anthropology, special guest-edited issue on Intimacies and Sexualities in Out-of-the-Way Places 79(5):585-609.
2014 “Strategic Deployments of ‘Sisterhood’ and Questions of Solidarity at a Women’s Development Project in Janakpur, Nepal.” Himalaya: The Journal for the Association for Nepal and Himalayan Studies, special issue on “Gender in the Himalaya” 34(1):56-67.
Maithil Women’s Tales: Storytelling on the Nepal-India Border University of Illinois Press, 2014.
“How Porous are the Walls that Separate Us? Feminist Pedagogy, Incarceration, and Disseminating Knowledge.” Co-author, Carol Wayne White. Humboldt Journal of Social Relations(special issue on Social Justice Action, Teaching and Research) (2012), vol 34:85-104.
"Talking Tools, Suffering Servants, and Defecating Men: The Power of Storytelling in Maithil Women's Tales." Journal of American Folklore (2009) vol. 122 (485): 267-296.
"Im/possible Lives: Gender, Class, Self-Fashioning, and Affinal Solidarity in Modern South Asia." Social Identities: Journal for the Study of Race, Nation and Culture (2009) vol. 15 (2): 243-272.
"Pond-Women Revelations: The Subaltern Registers in Maithil Women's Expressive Forms." Journal of American Folklore (2008) vol. 121 (481):286-318.
"Can Developing Women Create Primitive Art? and Other Questions of Value, Meaning and Identity in the Circulation of Janakpur Art." Tourist Studies (2007) vol. 7 (2): 193-223.
"'Listen, Rama's Wife!': Maithil Women's Perspectives and Practices in the Festival of Sāmā Cakevā." Asian Folklore Studies (2005) vol. 64 (1): 1-38.
"Feminist Tigers and Patriarchal Lions: Rhetorical Strategies and Instrument Effects in the Struggle for Definition and Control over Development in Nepal." Meridians: Feminism, Race, Transnationalism (2003) vol. 3 (2): 204-249.