Ian Proud

Ian Proud

Engineering Innovation Manager, Small Business Development Center
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About Ian Proud

Product development and strategic planning are two of Ian Proud's passions. Brilliant products that don't match the distribution channel, or price points that don't relate to a customer's willingness to pay are not so brilliant. Strategy is the vital step to closing the gap between innovation and profitability.

In his role as Engineering Innovation Manager at the Bucknell University Small Business Development Center, Ian not only helps small business owners connect with Bucknell faculty and students in the College of Engineering, but also guides clients in thinking about branding, market research, and communications.

Ian has a BA in 3D Design from DeMontfort University in the UK, and an MBA from Loyola College in Maryland. In his career he has developed products as diverse as electronics for playground equipment, blow-molded oil bottles, furniture for children, kitchen cabinets, and computer hardware.

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