Pamela Gorkin

(2001-2003) Presidential Professor of Mathematics
Operator Theory, Function Theory, Linear Algebra

About Pamela Gorkin

Personal website


  • Michigan State University, Ph.D. in Mathematics
  • Michigan State University, M.S. in Statistics
  • Michigan State University, B.A.

Research interests

I work primarily on operator theory on function spaces. Operators can be thought of as generalizations of matrices and this research includes the study of matrices. In order to make the problems I study accessible to a wider audience and appropriate for student research, I use map colorings called phase plots to visualize functions mapping the set of complex numbers to itself.

Selected Publications

1) Gorkin, Pamela; Partington, Jonathan R. Norms of truncated Toeplitz operators and numerical radii of restricted shifts. Comput. Methods Funct. Theory 19 (2019), no. 3, 487–508.

2) Gorkin, Pamela Four theorems with their foci on ellipses. Amer. Math. Monthly 126 (2019), no. 2, 99–111. 3)

3) Daepp, Ulrich; Gorkin, Pamela; Shaffer, Andrew; Voss, Karl Finding ellipses. What Blaschke products, Poncelet's theorem, and the numerical range know about each other. Carus Mathematical Monographs, 34. MAA Press, Providence, RI, 2018.

Further Information

Contact Details


377 Olin Science Building