Brand Guidelines & Policies

The Bucknell Style Guide and Bucknell Social Media Guidelines linked below help ensure that Bucknell puts forth a consistent message in the words we choose and content we post on social media.

The Bucknell Style Guide is intended for anyone writing messages to or materials for the campus community at large, or external communications on behalf of Bucknell University or its constituent colleges, departments, offices, centers and initiatives.

See our official style guide

The Bucknell Social Media Guidelines offer support for anyone starting or maintaining a social media presence on behalf of the University.

See our social media guidelines

If you have questions, a member of our team will be happy to help.

Use of the University Wordmark and Seal

The Bucknell University wordmark is used to support the University's mission, in adherence with the brand architecture. The wordmark is featured independently when representing official University business that is not specific to a University entity or group.

University offices and departments are provided with "lock-ups" by Marketing & Communications, which incorporate the wordmark according to our brand architecture along with the office or department name.

Incorporation or independent use of Bucknell University wordmark is not permitted in the created works of extension groups, which are often run by students, alumni, faculty or affiliated organizations, as they uniquely identify their own efforts.

We may allow the wordmark to be used for student projects on a case-by-case approval basis.

The University seal is primarily reserved for use on communications that represent the Office of the President and the Board of Trustees. It may be used occasionally for other purposes.

For questions about visual and printing policies, please contact Barbara Wise (

Visual Identity and Branding

  • Bucknell's Brand Guidelines explore our visual identity — fonts, logos, photos, graphic elements and color — that showcase what makes Bucknell stand out among its peers.
  • Contact for visual and printing policies: Barbara Wise (
  • Contact for web guidelines: Shawn Preisz (
  • Download brand assets (login required)

Editorial Style

  • The Bucknell Style Guide is the official reference document for anyone writing internal messages for the campus community or external communications on behalf of the University.
  • Contact for Bucknell Style Guide: Matt Hughes (

Social Media

Contact Details

Marketing & Communications


Monday - Friday: 08:30 a.m. - 04:30 p.m.
Saturday & Sunday: Closed