Weddings, Receptions & Banquets
Rooke Chapel and Bucknell Hall are available to all people for weddings. The Terrace Room, Larison Dining Hall and some smaller rooms are also available for receptions. Availability of these spaces is contingent on the University's calendar.
Rooke Chapel Information

Rooke Chapel Information
Saturday dates are generally available, with the exclusion of Saturdays in April, May and December and on certain University occasions. Dates may be requested in the distant future, but reservations can be confirmed no earlier than one year in advance. Sunday weddings cannot be accommodated.
Specific times are allotted for weddings depending on Bucknell's academic calendar.
The maximum seating capacity of Rooke Chapel is 730, including balconies. The downstairs center section seats approximately 330.
The following equipment is available for use:
- Concert grand piano and pipe organ.
- Lectern and pulpit microphones.
- One wireless lapel microphone and one wireless handheld microphone.
- Two single kneeling benches with rail.
- Five music stands.
Aisle runners are not included. The aisle is 75 feet long.
Rooke Chapel has two candelabras that hold seven candles each, totaling 14. Candles for the candelabras are provided. Only these candles and a unity candle are permitted, and only in the altar area, with protective plastic under the holders. Unity candles are not provided. Only dripless may be used.
No Communion supplies are provided.
The pipe organ and a grand piano are available for wedding use, but the University organist reserves the right to approve the proposed organist. A list of organists is available at Events Management. Organists should contact the Events Management office at 570-577-3666 to schedule rehearsal times, if applicable.
Rooke Chapel has two candelabras that hold seven candles each, totaling 14. Candles for the candelabras are provided. Only these candles and a unity candle are permitted, and only in the altar area, with protective plastic under the holders. Unity candles are not provided. Only dripless may be used.
On-street and lot parking is available on Moore Avenue. Parking is prohibited on the lawn, as well as in the Rooke Chapel Labyrinth. No vehicles may be driven on the pathway in front of the Chapel.
Accessible parking is available in the Stadium Drive lot. An accessible ramp is located on the right side of the chapel. The ramp for drop-off may be accessed by turning onto the driveway opposite the Weis Center on Dent Drive. There is an accessible sign at the entrance to the driveway. Drive to the ramp adjoining the chapel portico and exit back out onto Dent Drive to one of the parking areas. An accessible gender-neutral bathroom is located in the chapel to the left upon entry. Please contact the Office of Religious & Spiritual Life (570-577-1592) if you require information on accommodations.
Bucknell Hall Information

General Information
Sunday dates are available during the year, with the exclusion of Sundays in April, May and December and on certain University occasions. Due to the University's schedule, Saturday dates are very limited. Although dates may be requested in the distant future, reservations can be confirmed no earlier than one year in advance.
Specific times are allotted for weddings depending on Bucknell's academic calendar. Contact the Office of Events Management for more details.
The Maximum capacity of Bucknell Hall is 130. The facility is carpeted and air-conditioned.
- Only a portable microphone is available upon request.
- No candles or fuel lights are permitted, including “altar candles.”
- There is a table that may be used as an altar table.
- Floral arrangements must have protective material underneath.
- Furniture may not be moved without prior, written permission.
A baby grand piano is available on the stage and may not be moved. An organ is not available. A list of pianists is available from the Events Management. Rehearsal time must be scheduled.
Parking can be accommodated on Loomis and Walker Streets. Please observe all parking signs. Accessible parking is available in the Harris Lot by Vedder Hall and Lowry House. Parking near Bucknell Hall is limited.
A ramp is located at the rear of the building. Please contact Events Management for information about accommodations.
Larison Hall Information

General Information
Dates are available during June, July and breaks when the University is not in session.
Specific times are allotted for weddings depending on Bucknell's academic calendar. Contact the Office of Events Management for more details.
The maximum capacity of this room is 240 people; however, capacity varies depending upon set-up needs.
For safety reasons, Bucknell reserves the right to have final approval for room set-ups.
Parking is available on St George St. and in the parking area along Harris Dr., located on the east side of Larison Hall.
Vehicles may load and unload behind (south entrance) Larison Hall at the delivery entrance, but must be moved immediately.
Accessible Parking spaces are located in the front (north entrance) of Larison Hall. There is an accessible ramp leading into the dining hall.
Terrace Room Information

General Information
Dates are available during June, July and breaks when the University is not in session.
Specific times are allotted for weddings depending on Bucknell's academic calendar. Contact the Office of Events Management for more details.
The maximum capacity of this room is 250 people; however, capacity varies depending upon set-up needs.
There is an additional charge for other than basic set-ups (must be approved 2 weeks prior to the event). For safety reasons, Bucknell reserves the right to have final approval for room set-ups.
- A Bucknell staff member will assist with plans for your set-up.
- Tables and chairs provided — no substitutes.
- Round tables (60 in. diameter) or rectangular tables.
- Maximum of 8 chairs per table.
Parking is available on Moore Avenue. You may unload directly at the outside entrance of the Terrace Room.
Vehicles are to be moved after loading or unloading.
Accessible Parking spaces are located to the west of the Elaine Langone Center, near the downhill entrance.
The building is accessible by ramp and elevator.
Accessible restrooms are available.
Inquiries about reservations, rental fees and insurance requirements may be directed to:
Melony Battenberg
We also welcome inquiries for rehearsal dinners.
Additional Information
Marriage ceremonies in Pennsylvania may be performed by the following:
- Judges
- Justices of the Peace
- County Clerks or their deputies within the county
- Clergy of any regularly established church or congregation (including ministers, pastors, priests and rabbis)
Bucknell's Chaplain for the Catholic Community (570-577-7951), Chaplain for the Jewish Community (570-577-2273) and University Chaplain (570-577-1592) officiate at weddings according to their schedules and discretion. All Roman Catholics planning to be married on campus must be approved by Bucknell's Chaplain for the Catholic Community before a date may be scheduled. All Jewish services should have the approval of the Chaplain for the Jewish Community.
University-affiliated chaplains who officiate will have final say on all liturgy (including music and service order). Additional fees may be required.
A one-hour rehearsal time on the evening prior to our wedding will be reserved when your wedding is confirmed.
A Bucknell representative will be present during your rehearsal and wedding. The representative reserves the right to refuse any last-minute requests.
- Rice, confetti, rose petals, birdseed, balloons or any other object may not be thrown or released either inside or outside any facility.
- Nothing may be attached with tape, thumbtacks, etc.
- Candlelight services are prohibited.
- No furniture may be moved, including the piano, lectern and pulpit.
- No animals/pets are permitted.
- Use of a horse and buggy is by permission only on University grounds.
- Alcohol is not permitted in or outside the chapel other than for Communion services.
- Florists and photographers are required to abide by your specific contracted time.
Bucknell University reserves the right to restrict aspects of any wedding deemed inappropriate for either Rooke Chapel or Bucknell Hall. Bucknell also reserves the right to cancel, postpone or change location when, in the opinion of the vice president for finance & administration, the function will interfere with a scheduled University function, or in cases of natural disaster or acts of nature.
In addition to a contract for services rendered and professional license/certification (if applicable), Bucknell University also requires that all vendors providing services or equipment on campus provide evidence of proper insurance coverage and/or sign an indemnification rider (as indicated below). More detailed information will be provided with the Facility Use Agreement.
Any questions regarding marriage licenses, blood tests or marriage laws may be directed to:
The Office of the Prothonotary
Union County Courthouse
103 S. Second Street, Lewisburg, PA 17837