Jan. 6, 2021: Statement on Capitol Violence

Dear Bucknellians,

I am deeply saddened and, frankly, stunned at the chaos unfolding in the nation’s Capitol today, and write to condemn the violence fomented by those who continue to challenge the outcome of the recent presidential election. One of the absolute hallmarks of American democracy is the peaceful transition of power. No matter your political views, understand that this is an assault on all of us — and our society.

As a nation, we have struggled for many months to make sense of daily, if not hourly, headlines alerting us to escalating division among our citizens. I know many of you are as heartbroken as I am by the images streaming from Washington today. Let us remember that as Bucknellians, we are first and foremost united by our commitment to education, and that education is the key to understanding and resolving differences. Our shared dedication to teaching, learning, and active and informed citizenship can guide us as we try to make sense of these sorrowful events, and as we move forward as a country.

This is a grim moment in American history, but we will get through this together. We will keep our republic. Stay informed, stay calm, and please continue to care for one another. Thank you.

My best,
