Freeman College of Management

Class of 2028 course registration is now open. The registration deadline is June 14. Please note that course selection is not a first-come, first-served process.

Selecting Your First-semester Courses

To sign up for your first-semester courses, follow the steps below.

All Freeman College of Management students must review the information on the Freeman First-year Orientation Moodle Page and participate in all three scheduled 30-minute Zoom webinars (or watch the video of each presentation) before completing the fall course registration process.

During the Zoom webinars, the Freeman College Office of Student Support will provide a high-level overview of the registration and fall semester course selection process as well as the Freeman College of Management General Education requirements, the registration process and information on understanding your fall schedule. It’s a good opportunity for students to submit questions to be answered live during the web session. For more information on these sessions, please log in to myBucknell.

If you have questions about academics or course selection after reviewing materials on the Freeman First-year Orientation Moodle page and participating in the Zoom webinars, please contact the Freeman College Office of Student Support at for advice.

View the Freeman College of Management Summer Timeline

View Timeline

Before You Begin

  • Course selection is not a first-come, first-served process, so there's no need to rush. The Registrar's Office will begin all course entry after the June 14 course selection deadline.
  • Please review the Residential Colleges website. If you are interested in the program, you can sign up during course registration.
  • The normal course load is four course credits — one per course. In your first semester as a Freeman College of Management student, you will take 4.5 credits. If a course is not worth a full credit, its credit value is listed on the first-year course information page.
  • Refer to the Model First-semester Programs.
  • Each course description lists the requirements that the course fulfills (for example, the writing requirement, or W1, which all first-year students must fulfill). All Freeman College students must take two Natural Science and Mathematics courses. Of those two courses, one must be designated as a Lab Science course. Look for the LBSC designation in the course description if you want to ensure a course will satisfy this requirement.
  • See General University Requirements for more information on Bucknell's general course requirements

How to Sign Up for First-semester Courses

Step 1: Join the Webinar

Log in to myBucknell and review the Zoom webinar dates and times in the Freeman First Steps gadget. Each session homes in on a different key topic. If you are unable to attend a live zoom, you can view the recorded video. Each video will be uploaded to the Freeman First-year Orientation Moodle Page after the live session.

Participate in a Zoom webinar by June 9

Step 2: Review Model Programs

As a Freeman College of Management student, you'll take 4.5 credits during your first semester. All management majors will be automatically placed into MGMT 100 and either ANOP (Analytics & Operations Management) 102 or ECON 101, regardless of their eventual intended major.

  • MGMT 100: One of the foundational literacy courses required for all management majors and taken in their first semester. This half-credit course is designed to help first-year students integrate into college life and build community with campus stakeholders, educate students on how management and organizations can be forces for the common good, and help students learn about future paths of purpose. Additionally, Freeman Fellow peer mentors support both the class material and students’ personal development.
  • ANOP 102: Another of the foundational literacy courses required for all management majors and taken during their first year. This course serves as the introduction to quantitative modeling and basic statistical analysis in a spreadsheet-based environment, especially as they apply to managerial decision-making. Students are expected to be familiar with the basics of Microsoft Office, and in particular the basic interface of Excel, prior to taking this course. If a student is unfamiliar with this software, we will provide free online resources to be completed prior to the fall semester.
  • ECON 101: The other foundational literacy course required for all management majors and taken during their first year. This course provides a general introduction to both macroeconomics and microeconomics, along with an introduction to economic history, international economics and political economy. The course also examines the origin of economic ideas in the works of Adam Smith, John Maynard Keynes, Karl Marx and others.

Review the Model First-semester Programs

Step 3: Read Other Course Descriptions

The courses that will be available to you in your first semester can be found on the Course Information for First-year Students page.

Read the first-year course descriptions

Step 4: Review the Requirements

Review the General University Requirements so you know what to expect throughout your academic career.

If you indicated on your application that you are interested in a particular major, become familiar with that program in the University course catalog. Remember, however, that your first-semester management course assignments are appropriate for you regardless of your intended major.

Be sure to use the Course Information for First-year Students page to select your courses — not the course catalog. Course options that conflict with MGMT 100 will be removed from the course options you can view on this page.

Become familiar with Bucknell's requirements

Step 5: Select Your Courses

Complete online registration for your courses. Course selection will become available in late April. A link to select your courses will be posted here. In the meantime, please review and begin completing the other steps.

Complete your course selection by June 14

Ready to select your courses?