Oct. 20, 2010: Campus update - Presidential task force on campus climate

Dear Students, Faculty and Staff,

As I recently announced at the faculty meeting and staff forum, and have shared with student leadership, I have decided to appoint a task force to provide a prompt, thorough and informative assessment of the campus climate to ensure that we are supporting and encouraging the most positive university experience for our students. I am attaching my statementon this matter and the charge I have given to the task force. The following faculty and staff have agreed to serve in this capacity:

  • George Shields, Dean of Arts & Sciences, Task Force Co-Chair
  • Beth Capaldi Evans, Biology, Task Force Co-Chair
  • Kari Conrad, Associate Dean of Students
  • Kim Daubman, Psychology
  • Sheila Lintott, Philosophy
  • Todd Newcomb, Athletics
  • Molly O'Brien-Foelsch, Communications
  • Mike Toole, Civil Engineering
  • Amy Wolaver, Economics
  • Thomasina Yuille, University Chaplain

I carefully considered whether it would be appropriate to appoint students to this task force but have concluded that due to the nature of the information the task force will be required to review as a result of my desire for a complete and candid analysis of this subject, privacy laws preclude students from being task force members. But the task force will be turning to students for consultation and interviews as their work progresses, along with faculty, staff, and a variety of offices with related expertise. I extend our thanks to all those individuals who will be asked to contribute to the task force's work in the coming months and will greatly appreciate your help.

I'd also like to thank the many people who volunteered to serve on this task force. This was a powerful indication of the depth of concern about this important issue. We look forward to engaging all of you, and others, in the work of the task force.

Bucknell's success as a residential learning community depends upon our shared commitment to fostering a civil and positive environment in which our students can live, learn and grow. My thanks to the members of this task force for accepting their important role in supporting Bucknell's efforts to fulfill this fundamental obligation.

