June 29, 2023: Statement on Affirmative Action Ruling

Dear Bucknellians,

Today the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that colleges and universities may no longer consider race as a factor in admissions. I write today to underscore that Bucknell's long-standing commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion, in myriad forms, is a cherished institutional value. An equitable Bucknell is imperative to our students' education and ability to thrive as community-minded citizens. Student success determines institutional success, and the future of higher education will be led by colleges and universities that champion equity and inclusion.

Bucknell remains steadfast in our goal of creating and nurturing a campus community that reflects our society and respects all identities, as formalized in both our University mission statement and our strategic plan, and will continue to pursue a diverse student body aligned with today's ruling. Our admissions team employs a wide range of forward-thinking approaches to recruitment designed to help us identify, enroll and retain talented, well-qualified applicants with a range of backgrounds, skills and individual experiences.

Additionally, the University has instituted an array of programs to support and expand equity and inclusion in our community, with plans for others to come. To keep you informed of these efforts, I invite you to read these highlights of our recent progress, which reaffirm our long-standing commitment to being a campus that welcomes and celebrates students, faculty and staff of all backgrounds and identities.

Bucknell has a long tradition of leading with foresight, integrity and determination to make an impact on the world through our approach to educating the whole student for the greater good. More than ever, we must move forward with conviction to ensure that Bucknell's deep commitment to equitable access and success continues to be a strategic priority — for the students in our classrooms today as well as generations of students to come.

My best,

John C. Bravman