Projects for Peace

Bucknell students have an exciting opportunity to make a difference and change the world for the better by launching their own Projects for Peace. Through our partnership with the Davis United World College Scholars Program, Bucknell students may apply for $10,000 Projects for Peace grants for initiatives that contribute to a more peaceful, conflict-free world. Grants support projects that contribute to resolving conflict and maintaining peace. Projects can take place anywhere in the world, including within the United States. Since 2007, Bucknell students have changed lives from Nicaragua to Burma, Puerto Rico to Nepal and many more places in between.


All current degree-seeking students may apply, including seniors. Applications are accepted from individuals as well as teams. You may partner with students of other universities, including schools that are not Projects for Peace partners, but at least one applicant must be enrolled at Bucknell.

Any project aimed at creating sustainable peace will be considered. Projects can take place anywhere in the world, including within the United States. Previously funded projects have aimed to achieve the following goals:

  • Contributing to conflict prevention.
  • Improving conditions that have been the source of violence/conflict.
  • Looking for and building on shared attributes among differing peoples, races, ethnicities, tribes or clans.
  • Fostering diplomacy or otherwise contribute to advancing peace processes underway.
  • Promoting economic opportunity and entrepreneurship among those in post-conflict areas.
  • Finding creative ways to bring people on opposite sides of issues together, such as through art, sports, music or other techniques to promote a common humanity.
  • Developing leadership and mediation skills training for those in conflict or post-conflict societies.
  • Starting or leveraging initiatives, organizations (e.g. education, health) or infrastructure projects to build/rebuild community.

How to Apply

Submit a written proposal including a header, narrative and expenditure budget. Please prepare your proposal according to the instructions below.

Submit proposals to:
Deadline: Student application deadline for summer 2023 projects is Jan. 16, 2023.

Proposal Instructions

Page Margins: Top 1", Right 1", Bottom 1", Left 1"
Font: Arial 10 pt.

Title of Project (must match “Project Proposal” title)
Country where project will take place
Sponsoring college
Designated project leader name and all student team member names

For each student, please list their:

  • Home country
  • College/university
  • United World College school attended, if applicable
  • Associated project blog or website, if applicable

Answer each question below separately, in turn. Your narrative should be approximately two pages and should not to exceed three pages.

  • Provide a two-sentence summary of the goals of your project.
  • Are other fund-raising efforts contributing to your project? What were they?
  • How did you come up with the idea for your project?
  • Why do you think the issue your project is responding to exists?
  • Why did you choose your host site to work in?
  • How do you define peace?
  • How your project contribute to peace? Short-term? Long-term?

Learn About Past Projects

Expenditure Budget
Use the budget template below to submit your budget. Instructions for preparing your budget form are also available.

Budget form

Contact Details

International Student & Scholar Services


08:30 a.m. - 04:30 p.m.