Faculty & Staff
Department Chairs and Academic Assistants

Bonnie Smith
Lead Academic Assistant, Natural Sciences and Mathematics

All Faculty and Staff

KB Boomer
Professor of Statistics
Mathematical Economics Director, Structural equation modeling, hierarchical linear mixed models, soc...

Peter Brooksbank
(2024-2027) Presidential Professor of Mathematics
Computational group theory | Faculty fellow for the Dominguez Center for Data Science

Thomas Cassidy
Associate Provost for Academic Affairs
Non-commutative ring theory and mathematical demography

Amy Donner
Assistant Teaching Professor of Mathematics

Samuel Gutekunst
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Professor of Data Science

Keegan Kang
Assistant Professor of Statistics

Aaron Osgood-Zimmerman
Assistant Professor of Statistics

Ryan Reynolds
Visiting Assistant Professor of Mathematics

Nathan Ryan
Professor of Mathematics
Computational number theory, Affiliated Faculty in Latin American Studies

Bonnie Smith
Lead Academic Assistant, Natural Sciences and Mathematics

Karl Voss
Douglas K. Candland Dean of the College of Arts & Sciences

Emeriti Faculty
Carmen Acuna
Associate Professor of Mathematics, Emerita
cacuna@bucknell.eduGregory Adams
Professor of Mathematics, Emeritus
Ueli Daepp
Professor of Mathematics, Emeritus
udaepp@bucknell.eduPamela Gorkin
(2001-2003) Presidential Professor of Mathematics, Emerita
James Hutton
Associate Professor of Mathematics, Emeritus
huttonj@bucknell.eduHong Kim
Professor of Mathematics, Emeritus
hongkim@bucknell.eduPaul McGuire
Professor of Mathematics, Emeritus
pmcguire@bucknell.eduSally Morrison
Associate Professor of Mathematics, Emerita
morrison@bucknell.eduAllen Schweinsberg
Professor of Mathematics, Emeritus